Monty Smedley

DP Services
+44 (0)23 8071 1892

Designated Person for West Scotland ports

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited

DP Services

The Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) states that a ‘Designated Person’ must be appointed to provide independent assurance about the operations of the marine safety management system. This assurance is required by the Duty Holder, who is accountable for compliance with the Code.

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL), the owner of 26 ports, harbours and slipways across the West of Scotland and the Clyde Estuary, appointed ABPmer as its Designated Person (DP) under the requirements of the PMSC.

ABPmer’s DP services for CMAL include PMSC compliance and assurance auditing, board presentations to present audit findings and ongoing trend analysis, on-call marine accident/incident investigations, and Marine Safety Management System support in line with changes to the PMSC.

As a Statutory Harbour Authority, CMAL has a clear focus on ensuring safe port marine operations are delivered. Assurance auditing forms an integral part of their safety management system.

Our experienced Designated Persons provide independent assurance of marine safety management systems and impartial advice on matters of safety. Learn more about our DP services.

Monty Smedley

DP Services
+44 (0)23 8071 1892

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Medina Chambers
Town Quay
SO14 2AQ

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