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Monty Smedley

DP Services
+44 (0)23 8071 1892

Shetland Islands Council Designated Person


DP Services

Shetland Islands Council (SIC) is the Harbour Authority responsible for the operation of a number of ports, harbours and pier facilities around the Shetland Islands. These include the large oil terminal at Sullom Voe, the port of Scalloway and many other marine facilities across the islands.

The Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) applies to all UK harbour authorities. The Code aims to improve safety in ports and to enable authorities to manage their marine operations to a nationally agreed standard.

As part of the Code there is a requirement for harbour authorities to appoint a Designated Person to provide independent assurance directly to the Duty Holder that the Marine Safety Management System (SMS) is effective.

ABPmer is the Designated Person for  ports and harbours overseen by Shetland Islands Council. As part of this role we regularly report to the Shetland Islands Council’s Board providing a review of measures and an assurance statement that the MSMS is working effectively.

Our experienced Designated Persons provide independent assurance of marine safety management systems and impartial advice on matters of safety. Learn more about our DP services.

Monty Smedley

DP Services
+44 (0)23 8071 1892

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Medina Chambers
Town Quay
SO14 2AQ

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