Monty Smedley

PMSC Audits
+44 (0)23 8071 1892

Cambeltown PMSC ‘Health Check’ Audit

Argyll and Bute Council

PMSC Audit

We were commissioned by Argyll and Bute Council to perform a PMSC audit at the port of Campbeltown.

Argyll and Bute Council, as Harbour Authority, is responsible for the operation of a number of ports, harbours and pier facilities around Argyll and Bute; these include the principal ports of Campbeltown, Oban, Rothesay, Dunoon, Port Askaig and Craignure, plus over thirty smaller ferry terminals, piers and slipways.

Campbeltown has a large commercial fishing industry as well as commercial berths, bunkering facilities, ferry terminal and a recreational vessel community.

ABPmer performed a PMSC ‘Health Check’ to determine compliance with the Code and undertook a review of the port’s risk assessments and MSMS to ensure that they were fit for purpose.

Our specialists regularly provide “Health Check” audits to help port authorities remain compliant with the Port Marine Safety Code. Learn more about our PMSC audit services.

Monty Smedley

PMSC Audits
+44 (0)23 8071 1892
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Port Risk Management - part of ABPmer

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SO14 2AQ

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