
Here you can browse a selection of projects that have benefited from our Port Risk Management Services.

Risk Management Software

Littlehampton marine risk management solution

We provided Littlehampton Harbour with a four module version of our MARNIS port risk management toolkit, providing management solutions for shore side risk and document organisation

Mooring Analysis

Gibraltar superyacht mooring analysis

ABPmer was commissioned to conduct a mooring assessment for a new marina facilitiy in Gibraltar, providing mooring calculations to inform the design of berthing/quay caissons capable of accommodating 700 boats, including superyacht pleasure vessels

Navigation Risk Assessment

Oban Bay Navigational Risk Assessment

Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) working in partnership with Argyll and Bute Council (A&BC) and the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB) commissioned a Harbour Management Plan for Oban Bay

PMSC Audit

Cambeltown PMSC ‘Health Check’ Audit

We were commissioned by Argyll and Bute Council to perform a PMSC audit at the port of Campbeltown

Risk Management Software

New Zealand port risk management solution

ABPmer was commissioned by New Zealand's Port Taranaki to help them establish a pro-active approach to port risk management

Risk Management Software

Tor Bay marine risk management solution

Supporting Tor Bay Harbour with a customised four-module port assessment toolkit, user training, and a Risk Management workshop

Marine Safety Management System

Shetland Islands Safety Management System audit

ABPmer undertook a PMSC ‘health check’ and benchmarking exercise to confirm compliance against the eight key requirements for the Shetland Islands Council’s many ports and harbours

Marine Safety Management System

Stena Line Ports Marine Safety Management System

Stena Line Ports Limited commissioned ABPmer to establish a Group Marine Safety Management System, which complied with the UK Port Marine Safety Code, for the ports of Holyhead, Fishguard and Loch Ryan

PMSC Audit

Stena Line PMSC ‘Health Check’ audit

Stena Line Ports Ltd commissioned ABPmer to carry out an external audit of its ports, to determine compliance with the requirements of the PMSC and whether the procedures within the MSMS were reflected within operations carried out

Risk Management Software

Networked, group-wide marine risk management solution

Delivering a Marine Safety Management System (MSMS) for the UK's largest port operator

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Port Risk Management - part of ABPmer

Contact us

Quayside Suite
Medina Chambers
Town Quay
SO14 2AQ

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